36 artists + 28 fiberglass light bulbs = 300 square feet of public art

Lighten Up Spartanburg is a large scale public art project that bolsters the cultural vitality of downtown Spartanburg, expands the local economy through tourism, provides opportunities to local and regional artists, and fosters connections between local businesses and the arts.

Barrel of Fun

Kathy Zimmerli Wofford

located at Balmer Fountain at Spartanburg Community College Downtown Campus

Night Light

Aimee Wise

located near Inn on Main


Kaitlyn Walters

located at Hatcher Gardens | formerly located near Arthur State Bank

Ghost Bird

Torey Wahlstrom

located on the Mary Black Rail Trail | formerly located near the BCycle dock

I Breathe

Denise Torrance

located in the Butterfly Greenway Park | formerly located at the Hub City Co-Op (now closed)

Light Ears Ahead

Erin Tapley

located at Hub City Farmer’s Market


Randy Shull

located on the Mary Black Rail Trail | formerly located at City Hall

Textile Geometry

Lydia See

located at Spartanburg Regional Administrative Offices | formerly located at Spartanburg Headquarters Library

People and Places

Beth Bullman Regula

located at Spartanburg Day School | formerly located at The Johnson Collection Gallery


Sharon Passmore

located World of Energy in Seneca, SC | formerly located near The Coffee Bar


Aldo Muzzarelli

located at Spartanburg Marriott

Lighten Up

Greg Mueller

located on the Mary Black Rail Trail

Every Person I’ve Ever Met

Alexander Lay

located at NWS Technologies | formerly located at Lime Leaf

The Swell

Jeremy Kemp

located at Spartanburg Regional Hospice House | formerly located at the old Art Lounge

Mawu Sun-Light

Annette Giaco

located on Barksdale Ave | formerly located at Spartanburg Herald-Journal Headquarters

Incandescent System Bulb

Travis Galloway

located at World of Energy in Seneca, SC | formerly located at QS/1

Perfect Harmony

Abe Duenas

located at Spartanburg Community College Downtown Campus

Social Relevance

Page Davis

located at World of Energy in Seneca, SC | formerly located at Wall Street, Morgan Square

Reflections of Sparkle City

Creative Development, LLC

located on the Mary Black Rail Trail

Misty Morning

Artist: Emily Clanton | located at The Local Hik

Bender’s Big ‘Burg Bulb

Kara Bender

with the Spartanburg community | located at Bella Latte in Drayton Marketplace

Write On!

Whitney Barnard | located at Pine Street Elementary | formerly located at Spartanburg YMCA

Holiday in Shadowland


located at The Children’s Museum of

Bulb Archive

At the end of the Lighten Up Spartanburg! project, several bulbs were recycled, repurposed, or returned to their artist and no longer exist in their original form. This photo archive preserves these pieces of public art as they debuted in their original locations around town.