Permanent Collection

Studio Still Life #87

Matt Overend

  • painted in

  • medium

    oil on canvas

  • purchased in


  • dimensions


  • current location

    Spartanburg Art Museum
  • gifted by

    Purchased by the Spartanburg County Art Association

about the work

“Although most, but not all, of my paintings are of recognizable scenes and objects, they are not primarily about them. My paintings are an exploration of the structural relationship between gesture, shape, and space through the manipulation of color and texture. Color is not just a means to represent daily reality but a poetic device to arrive at a deeper, true reality. The paintings are about discovering a kind of dynamic balance, a feeling of completeness, however temporary, much as poetry is. I don’t simply try to make a painting; instead, I try to find the art in the painting.”

statement courtesy of the artist

about the artist

Matt Overend is a native of Las Vegas, Nevada who grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, and has lived in Smoaks, South Carolina since 1981. He has had solo exhibitions throughout the state. He graduated from Georgia Tech in 1973 with a degree in aerospace engineering, then continued his education in art at Santa Barbara City College, and University of California at Santa Barbara in California, and Yale University.